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http://guangxi.hteacher.net 2017-05-15 21:15 广西教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

My First Day at Senior High(高中)

课题:Module One My First Day at Senior High


1. Knowledge objectives

To grasp English learning methods in senior high school.

To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

To master different subjects in senior high.

2. Ability objectives

To train the students’ ability of speaking and reading.

And students can express themselves bravely and freely.

3. Emotional objectives

Students will be able to improve their confidence and interest in senior high English learning and form a positive and optimistic attitude to English study.

课时: Section 2 Reading and Vocabulary



1、Cheng Jie, Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah, Zip, Zoom 的头饰。

2、为 Let’s play 准备所需要的 Kitty, Mickey 等卡通人物的手偶或头饰。

3、教材相配套的教学课件 [Unit 2 Let’s talk/A]




To learn the related vocabulary, such as academic, amazing, enthusiastic, bored, embarrassed and so on.

To grasp the usage of as…as, look forward to, etc.


The difficult point is to tell the difference between adjectives ending with “–ing” and “–ed”, and making a good transition between middle school and senior high school English learning.


Step 1: Warming up

1. Warming up by Questions

1) What’s your new senior high school?

2) Do you like the school? Why?

3) How many students are there in your new class?

4) Do you have great confidence to learn English well?

2. Warming up by discussing

Hello, boys and girls! Now we’re going to learn something about the new life at senior high,and now I would like you to discuss a problem: How to find something new and write it in the coming years at senior high?

3. Warming up by studying vocabulary

Turn to page 113,and study the vocabulary list for Unit one, paying attention to the relationship between the spelling and the pronunciation.

Step 2: Pre-reading

1. Imagining

Well, we are in a new class at senior school, there are new students, new teacher, new classroom and new lessons around us, imagine how are all of them getting on in the coming years.

2. Introduce some new words

Show the following new words from the diary, the text, and ask the students to read them all together twice each word while correcting their pronunciation.

Step 3: Reading

1. Leading-in

After discussing something about our class, our new school, we restudied some new words in this unit, maybe we think a new stage for a person, including a new school for a student, is not only fresh but also full of encouragement and challenge. I think, as long as you value the chance and work hard, success must belong to you. Now, let’s learn something about Li Kang’s sense at his first day at senior high. After reading, answer the following questions.

1) Which city does Li Kang come from?

2) What about his classrooms? What are there in the classrooms?

3) Is his English teacher excellent? Why?

4) What does Ms Shen want to do to help her students in English learning?

5) How many students are there in the class?

2. Fast reading for the general idea

3. Listening to the tape of the text and try to find which of the following words appear in the story.

4. Detailed reading for information

Step 4: Reading practice


1. Try to describe your classroom and your English teacher orally.

2. Repeat the text.

3. Learn the new words again using the dictionary if necessary.






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